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ClimateHACK28: Green Transportation

Outline three innovative models in urban transportation (public or private) to reduce carbon footprint

Unleash your creative imagination and energy to outline an idea that will help transportation (private and public) to become more climate-friendly or reduce the carbon footprint.

What is ClimateHACK28?

ClimateHACK28 is a free, virtual and international hackathon for high school students to come together and collaborate on battling key issues on the matter of climate change. ClimateHACK28 takes inspiration from COP28 taking place later this year in the UAE. The goal for this project is to innovate ideas and solutions to fight three key areas that affect us all.  

What is Green Transportation? 
Green transportation refers to the use of environmentally friendly methods and technologies for moving people and goods from one place to another. It aims to minimize the negative impact of transportation on the environment by reducing emissions, conserving energy, and promoting sustainable practices.

What you need to do
For this track, you must come up with one idea that will help revolutionize green transportation. To do this, you must create a PDF poster about your idea, create a video of yourself presenting this poster and then upload this presentation to the project studio, ready for our judges

The problem statements will be revealed during the opening session of ClimateHACK28, so it is very important that you come along to find out what you need to create!


Eligibility for teams and individuals to participate in ClimateHACK28  

For this hackathon, you must follow the outlined eligibility below to participate: 

  • You must be between the ages of 16 and 18 to participate in this hackathon
  • Students globally are allowed to enter, as long as they fall into the above category and are currently in education (Grades 10 - 12)
  • You must adhere to the terms and conditions outline in this project to be able to participate. Any breach of this may result in your team being removed.



Audio-visual file

Presentation document

Judging Criteria

  • 1 . Impact of the project
  • 2 . Creativity
  • 3 . Feasibility
  • 4 . Presentation Skills


Gift icon

To be announced



ProjectSet Team


  1. What is ClimateHACK28?

ClimateHACK28 is a virtual poster and video competition for high-school students to showcase ideas on climate change and sustainability solutions.

  1. Is ClimateHACK28 a global hackathon?

Yes, ClimateHACK28 is a global hackathon bringing together participants from various countries to collaborate and develop impactful ideas. 

  1. What are the dates for ClimateHACK28?

The hackathon will be held between Tuesday 15th – Tuesday 22nd of August 2023.

  1. Is ClimateHACK28 conducted online?

Yes. The competition will be completely virtual giving you an opportunity to take part in a global competition on an international platform all from the comfort of your own home.

  1. What are the prizes for the winners?

The eligible participants will be getting a certificate. Further prizes will be listed in the ‘Prizes’ tab of the project details page.

  1. Is it free to participate? What do I need?

Yes - participation is entirely free. All you will need is a computer/laptop and a half-decent internet connection.

  1. How do I join a team, or form a new one?

When registering to your chosen track, you will have 3 options:

  • Create a team: The platform will form a new team with you as the first member and prompt you to enter a team name. When you enter your new team’s ProjectStudio, you can enter the email IDs of other members you would like to invite to your team (you can invite any eligible person from any school). Alternatively, you may opt to open your team for other people to join in using the ‘Private/Public’ toggle. 

  • Join a team: Join other students in an existing team (rather than forming your team) if you so prefer. This is a great way to meet new people!

  • Wait to be randomly assigned: Not ready to create or join a team? Select this option to join the project, and then you can either create or join a team at a later date, or wait to be assigned into a team by us when the hackathon begins!

  1. Who can I form a team with? 

You can form a team with eligible students from your school or other schools from any country. 

  1. How many people can I have in my team?  

You can either participate individually or form a team with up to 3 members. 

  1. Will we get help? What happens if we get stuck? 

Of course. ProjectSet team members will be able to assist you throughout the hackathon process. If you get stuck, drop us an email at We will also be hosting a drop-in help session during the hackathon to assist you with anything you need!

  1. I am close with or live with my teammates; do I have to interact on the platform? Can’t we discuss our ideas in real life?

Of course, you can share and discuss ideas offline. At the same time, we encourage you to log all your key ideas on the platform to get the most benefit. This will allow your mentors to see what you are working on and offer proper advice. However, you must submit your deliverables via the platform.

  1. Can I resubmit my project after submitting once? 

Yes. You can resubmit your project anytime and as many times until the submission deadline. Your output will not be reviewed or evaluated by judges until the deadline has passed.

  1. What if I have more questions?

Please ask away! You can send questions at any time to - if you make the subject title of your email ‘CH28 Student Query’ then we can get back to you even sooner.

Terms and Conditions


    Jun 19, 2023, 6:00AM BST


    Aug 15, 2023, 4:00PM BST


    Jun 19, 2023, 7:00AM BST


    Aug 24, 2023, 9:00AM BST



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