Project Description
What is Unihack?
This year's UniHack has a focus on the sustainability development goals set out by the UN. Each one of our tracks will target one of the possible 17 goals set out. This track is all about Climate Action! The goal focuses on taking urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.
What you need to do
For this phase of UniHack, you must come up with one idea following the outlined problem statements (revealed at the opening session). Your idea should aim to provide a creative and novel project or business plan to address the selected problem statement.
What you need to submit
For Phase One, you must create an A3, PDF poster to outline your idea or project. This poster should include the following information:
- What is the problem statement
- What the idea is
- How does it solve the problem outlined in the problem statement?
- How scalable is it?
- What resources and timeline do you need for your idea?
- How is your idea different from other solutions
You can read more information about this topic by visiting the UNSDG's page linked here:
Model / Prototype
Please upload your business/idea poster here
OPTIONAL: Video overview
If you have created an optional 2-3 minute video on your poster, please submit it here!
Judging Criteria
- Creativity: How creative was this project?
- Impact of the project: What was the perceived impact of this project on real-world issues?
- Feasibility: How feasible is the project in a real-world setting? think about scalability, resources etc.
- Presentation and quality of poster: How presentable was the poster? Did it cover all relevant information? was there a good balance of text/stats/images?